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Our curriculum is broad and balanced and aims to provide rich and memorable learning experiences. Our curriculum is predominately based on discrete subject specific work taught as ‘stand-alone’ units of learning but where meaningful links can be made that add value, they are. The curriculum is structured to promote progression and develop knowledge, understanding and skills in each curriculum area. The planned progression is carefully mapped and reviewed annually.  Topic hooks are used regularly to stimulate discussion and create awe, wonder and curiosity in the children. Where possible, learning will be ‘first hand’.  Some aspects of the curriculum are also enhanced through focus days and weeks.


Carefully chosen reading texts are used to provide sufficient challenge, hook the children in and engage them in their learning. Writing is linked to the keys texts and occasionally subjects that are leading the topic. A fluency, reasoning and problem-solving approach is taken in the teaching of maths. This is supported by the use of concrete apparatus, pictorial representations and abstract concepts to secure mathematical understanding.  Science is taught through a problem-solving model, so that knowledge and understanding is applied in investigations, where working scientifically knowledge is taught.


Each foundation subject has identified aims and progression of key knowledge and understanding for each year group. Knowledge and understanding is reinforced through the development of key skills.
