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Curriculum Enhancement

Curriculum Enhancement and Carousel


To achieve their full potential, we recognise that children learn best when they are enjoying a range of learning experiences. This is achieved through visits/visitors, residential trips and other outdoor learning experiences which provides our children with an exciting, challenging and memorable experiences.


The weekly Carousel activities enable the children to learn with others across different classes and age ranges. This increases the opportunities children have for choice as well as experiences. These experiences are linked to Building Learning Power or special events across the year e.g Anti -Bullying Week, Diwali etc.


Special days and weeks

Some aspects of the curriculum are delivered or enriched through focus days. The normal timetable is adjusted and activities are focused on a key theme. For example, grounds afternoons, national and international weeks and World Book Day


Extended School Opportunities

The school participates in a variety of sports festivals and we also offer a range of sports children to participate in before and after school. The school also has a strong musical offer, with a large number of instruments that can be learned at school.
