PSHE Intent Statement
At Cupernham Junior School we believe that PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) contributes to the positive learning attitude of our children as well as giving them the skills to support them in the future. It enables children to acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes they need to manage their lives. Alongside this, we strive to ensure that children are aware of the different factors which may affect their future lives and support them in knowing how to help their own mental wellbeing, or who to talk to if any problems arise.
As a staff, we are dedicated to ensuring that Cupernham Junior School is a happy, stimulating and caring place for the children to learn; ensuring that they are exposed to lessons which develop them personally and socially. PSHE is taught through explicit lessons, using the ‘Jigsaw: A Mindful Approach’ scheme of work; as well as being embedded in other areas of the curriculum and day-to-day life of the school. Teachers use a wide range of teaching strategies, including role play, discussion, group work and circle time as a platform for discussing and reflecting on life skills, for example mindfulness through ‘Chime Time’. These activities, combined with teacher-led discussion and informal talks about issues as they arise, mean that learning in this vitally important curriculum area is always relevant to what is happening in class, school or the wider world.
Through the PSHE curriculum, we are able to support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of our students during individual lessons, whole school assemblies and special weeks (for example Healthy Body, Healthy Mind week).