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Year 3


Spellings are set on a Tuesday for a test the following Tuesday.


Maths homework is given out each Tuesday and is due in the following Tuesday.


Please refer to the homework grid for the half term's topic homework.


We really appreciate the support you can give your child to help them with their homework, spellings and to hear them read regularly.

PE - swimming

This half term, our PE sessions will be in the swimming pool! Please make sure your child has a swimming costume or shorts/trunks and a towel. We also strongly recommend that children with long hair wear swimming hats. Goggles may also be brought in for these lessons. PE kit should be worn on these days.

Geckos and Chameleons: Monday and Friday

Iguanas: Tuesday and Thursday




Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school. They should also bring a raincoat and a sun hat. 

