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Teaching Intentions

Teaching Intentions 


An inclusive culture

Every teacher will value and celebrate each individual and recognise personal strengths and talents. Every child will receive the support and challenge that will enable them to thrive and make progress.


Personal best and high expectations

Everyone will strive to do their best and produce learning of a high standard. Everyone will model high standards of personal and professional behaviour. It is expected that everyone will work hard.


Focused lessons and reflective feedback

We use learning objectives and success criteria to focus our lessons. Children are taught to self-evaluate their success and recognise the personal responsibility they have for their learning.


Evidence informed practice

Our teaching will be rooted in research. Teachers will use professional enquiry and coaching to enhance their teaching skills and strategies to raise standards across the curriculum.



Preparation for future citizenship

Our curriculum equips the children with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in the future. This helps children aspire and believe that their personal strengths will be valued in their future. They will also acquire knowledge beyond the national curriculum to develop essential skills for life.

