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“Bringing the past to life”

“Thinking like an historian…being curious”

“Clues and evidence from the past can reveal so much…”


At Cupernham Junior School, we believe that the teaching of History is integral for supporting children to develop vital tools for lifelong learning. Through inspiring, first-hand experiences with educational trips and visitors, as well as stimulating topics - such as ancient civilisations and local studies - children are encouraged to analyse, evaluate and think critically in a progressive way, as they make their way up the school.


By igniting the children’s curiosity with engaging topics, they gain a chronological story of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. They are encouraged to constantly enquire and make judgements and ask questions about change, cause and consequence among other vital historical concepts and skills suitable to their own individual needs and knowledge. Significantly, British values are at the heart of the history curriculum at Cupernham. We promote tolerance, diversity and democracy through the teaching of History. This, importantly, also enables children to explore their own identities in relation to the eras taught.


Children are given opportunities to develop their understanding of the past through the use of artefacts, historical documents, including reports, photographs numerous written sources, newspaper articles and they are given valuable opportunities to research using electronic media. There are a wide variety of history focused activities and school trips at Cupernham , which brings the past to life for our children.


How we teach History?


We promote the importance of teaching history through enquiry and, at Cupernham Junior School, we employ the Hampshire ‘Six Step’ model in our enquiry led history curriculum.  Teachers ensure that children are engaged in history though challenging enquiries that require the children to develop the use of their thinking skills to extend their own knowledge and understanding. Their ability to investigate, consider, reflect and review events of the past will enable them to develop a detailed understanding. The children are encouraged to use their understanding of change and continuity, similarity and difference, cause and effect, chronology and significance to interpret events and developments.  They will ask and answer challenging historical questions that make links between events, developments, people and periods in the past. 





Historical inquiry is an active process which enables students to question, analyse, interpret, explain and communicate their understanding of the past. Exposure to valid interpretations and perspectives using sound evidence gathered from primary and secondary sources enhances the investigative process. At Cupernham Junior school we follow the six step approach when following an inquiry.
