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Pupil Premium

OFSTED September 2023


''Staff think carefully about the best ways to help and support pupils. Pupils are taught to be resilient and resourceful. The young carers’ group supports pupils who look after others well, offering them opportunities to talk and share experiences with others. A varied range of trips and enrichment activities are available to pupils. These help pupils to develop their talents and interests.''

The National Picture


The Pupil Premium is additional funding to help schools close the attainment gap between children from low income and other disadvantaged families and their peers.


Who is eligible?
  • Any child in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM)

  • Any child who has previously received FSM in the last 6 years

  • Any child who is in care or have been “looked after” for more than 6 months

  • Any child whose parents are serving in the Armed Forces


How to apply for Pupil Premium Grant / Free School Meals



This criteria for eligibility is where parents/guardians are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

  • Income Support

  • Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance

  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

  • the Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

  • Child Tax Credit, provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit, and have an annual gross income, of no more than £16,190 as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs1

  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

  • All Universal Credit claimants are currently eligible for education benefits’

    If you think that your income is low and you receive any of the benefits listed above then click on the link below


How can the Pupil Premium be spent?


Headteachers and school leaders should decide how to use the Pupil Premium to meet the particular needs of their disadvantaged pupils, and will also be held accountable for the difference it makes. 

At Cupernham Junior School, we monitor the progress and attainment of all children along with particular groups so that we can adjust our curriculum and support to raise standards.


At Cupernham Junior School, we currently use the Pupil Premium Grant for the following three reasons:


  1. To release teachers for 1 hour a week to target specific pupils to improve particular aspects of their skills or knowledge in reading, writing, communication or mathematics.

  2. To risk assess the needs of eligible children and where necessary deliver targeted 1:1 support and intervention.

  3. To provide additional resources for specific individual needs in order to have full access to broad educational experiences within the school curriculum.

Pupil premium strategy 2023 -2024
