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Our Inclusion Leader is Mrs Laura Francis

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Sharon Strachan

They can both be contacted on 01794 512702.

Our governor with responsibility for SEN is Mrs Charlotte Sadler


Cupernham Junior School's SEN information report can be accessed following the link below. It provides detailed information about how the school's provision for children, who require Special Educational Needs support, is organised and deployed.



Hampshire County Council's Local Offer: Services and information for children and young people with SEN and/or disabilities can be found by clicking the below link:-




"Very effective systems are in place to help disadvantaged pupils and those who find learning difficult to make the best progress they can. " OFSTED 2014

Paired Reading is an ideal way of improving reading fluency skills among children. Paired reading simply means an adult - preferably a parent or relative - reading with a child for 10 minutes every day.  The strategy involves reading aloud with your child until they are reading confidently. They will then give you an agreed signal to stop reading so they can carry on, on their own.

It is an ideal way of helping your child to become an independent reader. It works on building up the positives and successes rather than concentrating on mistakes.

 Parents who have undertaken Paired Reading report that not only does the child's reading improve but that child's self-esteem has improved, and generally the child is more co-operative at home also. Please see below a video showing paired reading as well as a guide for parents.

Paired Reading

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