The National Curriculum is statutory for all pupils from Year 1 upwards. This consists of the core subjects of English, Maths and Science and foundation subjects (PE, History, Geography, Art, DT, Computing and Music). Our Modern Foreign Language is French. As part of the music curriculum children will learn a music instrument through the ‘Listen to me’ scheme.
A useful link for parents on the National Curriculum is:
Religious Education
As a Hampshire school our RE teaching is taught through ‘living difference’. There is teaching and learning about Christianity and about other faiths and promote respect and sensitivity towards those with beliefs different from our own.
We hope that all children will participate in the religious education and worship at the school. However, we respect the parent’s rights to withdraw their child from this part of school life. Such requests should be discussed with the headteacher.
Physical Education
Physical Education is promoted well from within school through lessons and competitions. In our Physical Education lessons, we cover the following areas: gymnastics, dance, games, athletics and swimming. As we have a swimming pool, children form all year groups will be taught swimming annually. Being inclusive to all, where possible every child has the opportunity to attend at least one sports festival each school year. Physical fitness is also promoted at lunchtime through the daily mile and activities led by sports leaders.
Children have weekly French lessons taught by Madame De Zoysa from Year 3 through to Year 6.
Personal Social and Health Education and Relationship and Sex Education
Please see the separate part of the website for information on the schools Personal Social and Health Education and Relationship and Sex Education curriculum.